Sloane at Two Months
Age: Two months old
Weight & Height: 8 lbs 5 oz. and 20.5 inches long!
Sloane has a mighty appetite for a small little lady and is now eating 3-3.5 oz. every 3 to 3 in a half (or 4) hours during the day and 4 to 5 hours at night.
At two months, the entire family has been sleeping much better (not much longer, but better!). Sloane sleeps more soundly for longer stretches of 4 to 5 hours and does not seem to have as much discomfort/ reflux in her sleep. She still sleeps in our room (she’s still so small!), but we hope to transition her by 3 or 4 months to her crib in the nursery.
Favorite Things
This Skip*Hop Up for Adventure Activity mat is one of Sloane’s favorite places to nap and play. She has slowly started to grab at the objects hanging above and can grasp the rattle that hangs the lowest near her. She gets excited when she lays on it and it is also a great place for tummy time (although she’s not really a fan of tummy time yet – it’s hard work!).
We also LOVE this Bravo stroller by Chicco. This is by far my favorite item that we registered for, it is lightweight and easy to lift in and out of the car. It is also easy to put together and maneuver around the neighborhood or in stores.
Special Moments
Nursing has slowly been getting much better! We are finding our groove and I am happy I have stuck with it so far. Some of my favorite moments spent with Sloane are cuddling her on my chest right after we nurse. She falls right to sleep and it’s truly the sweetest thing.
Mama’s Experience
The past few days Sloane has begun to do real smiles for mama! It absolutely warms my heart and is so wonderful to feel like we are connecting and communicating with one another. I love watching this little love grow and can’t wait to see how things she will do this next month.
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