Sunday we celebrated my cousin’s surprise baby shower with family and friends. The theme was “cute as a button” in honor of my cousin’s love for do it yourself crafts and sewing. Guests were asked to guess the baby’s gender, weight and due date by selecting either a blue or pink colored pin (blue it’s a boy, pink it’s a girl) and pinning it to the date they believe the baby will be born.
Cute as a Button Baby Shower Festivities
Does this watermelon baby look Pinteresting-ly familiar to anyone? This fruit salad in the shape of a baby was my contribution to the party. I found the idea on Pinterest (where else?) and watched this YouTube video for direction. It only took about 40 minutes to make and brought many of smiles and laughs to the party (slightly creepy? you betcha, yet too hilarious to pass up the opportunity).
Instead of alcoholic beverages, we enjoyed lemonade and iced tea from the two stations in the dining room. It tasted just as good as it looked. Homemade sewing kits wrapped together in tiny mason jars were the perfect party favor, cute as a button!
Shared with: Tea Party Tuesday and Style Sessions.
I was so smitten with the mason jars that the “Cute as a Button” theme was completely lost on me. Great job by everyone, and I really enjoyed seeing you all!
The mason jar bouquets in every room were gorgeous. I agree, they did an awesome job planning and decorating everything, and I enjoyed spending time with you too!
I also attended a baby shower this past weekend, but it didn’t look nearly as cute as your friends. Everyone is having babies. The ‘Cute as a Button’ theme is so adorable and perfectly fitted for a crafter. I love it. 🙂
Isn’t it funny how that works? I’ve noticed an abundance of baby announcements popping up everywhere in life (social media, work, friends and family). Tremendous job by my Aunt and cousins for putting everything together – they truly nailed the perfect theme for her!
What a cute shower!!
What a cute theme for the baby shower!! Loved your dress!!
SO so so SO cute!! I love that you were able to make that watermelon baby!
That salad is darn impressive! (And slightly creepy, but that’s the fun, right?) I also love the guessing game with the pushpins – very clever!
SO cute!! I absolutely love the baby watermelon and the calendar!!
All of the decorations are so creative! The watermelon baby is really impressive! I can’t believe it only took 40 minutes to make. Pinterest is awesome!
Thank you, I was surprised at how easy it was to make too, and I agree with you on Pinterest. That website has made creating party favors and gifts for themed parties so much easier! I check Pinterest first before any other website when I’m in need of some inspiration!